I’ll be be honest, it feels like there’s a lot of darkness out there these days. The global state of affairs is increasingly unsettling. The continued threats from fires on a local level are increasingly terrifying. And on a more personal level, the black eye and bruised nose and chin I received a few days ago after slipping at the pool at my gym is a brutal reminder that danger is always lurking around the corner for me with this disease. (Don’t worry, I’m fine. CT ruled out facial fractures. On the bright side, I won’t be needing face paint for Halloween tomorrow.)
I intended to write a blog post with this invitation, but I’m just going to get straight to the bottom line: the NDF has always been and will continue to be my light in the darkness. It is where I find my hope and reassurance. It’s what allows me to live my life and focus on adapting to and coping with this disease rather than having to invest all my emotional energy in trying to find a treatment or cure. The NDF is the balm that soothes my desperation whenever it sets in.
This year‘s gala will once again be held at the Skirball. There will be beautiful art to view and purchase (partial proceeds will go to the NDF), a musical performance by Rana Mansour and two very funny and entertaining hosts, Billy Harris and Kvon.
I know how incredibly busy life is these days. And I know there are so many causes worthy of your generosity. So how about this- if you want to get out for the evening, buy tickets and join me on Sunday night, November 17th. If you can’t make it and you want to still contribute, we’d be grateful for a donation of any amount. And if you are unable to make a financial contribution, feel free to spread the word to others in your community.
No matter how much discomfort there is out in the world, I will always feel so incredibly lucky to have the comfort and support and love from so many family and friends.
Thank you for that gift.
Click here to purchase tickets/donate